Why is learning English music important?

Music has become part of our life. We listen to music every day and we all know that music has a great impact not only on our mental health but on our cognitive abilities also. But do you really know that music is proven to be a useful tool in learning languages? Music can help us improve our listening skills and pronunciation, therefore it potentially helps us enhance our speaking skills as well. Now, let’sseethebenefitsofmusic in learningEnglish as a secondlanguageandhowto use music as an English learning tool.

Ø Songs can provide the opportunity for vocabulary practice. They are usually based on a theme or topic that can offer the context for vocabulary learning.

Ø We listen to music to reduce anxiety, to stay positive, to relax. The rhythm and melody of songs enable us to listen to them over and over again.  

Ø It has a positive impact on not only learning English but also general learning. When we listen to music on a regular basis, we are at the same time improving our memory.


Pre I C took part in many activities such as; learning the name of musical instruments in English, the sound of the instruments. They also learned different types of musical instruments by categories. At the end They chose their favorite instrument and made a band with their friends and sang a song in English.

PreI C really enjoyed learning about musical instruments.